1.) How would you rate your ease of ordering from our website?
2.) How would you rate our packaging materials and container?
3.) How happy are you with the speed in which you received your order?
4.) How would you rate the overall quality of our Live Rock?
5.) Do you feel the website accurately described the product you received?
6.) How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your purchase?
7.) How do feel ARC Reef Live Rock compares to others Live Rock?
8.) Do you feel that our prices accurately represent the value of our products?
9.) How likely are you to recommend ARC Reef to a friend?
10.) What was your main reason for choosing ARC Reef Live Rock? Aquacultured products help save our natural reefs.Because a portion of every purchase goes towards rebuilding coral reefs.Recommendation by a friend or family member.I read good reviews about ARC Reef.Based on the quality of the website.Based on the photos of the products.Based on price.Other.